
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Hypocrisie à l'ONU - Gilad Erdan dénonce le vote de la résolution "S'unir pour la Paix"

 Discours de Gilad Erdan, ambassadeur d'Israël à l'ONU, le 26 octobre 2023 devant Assemblée générale des Nations Unies

Remerciements à Rami Pinku pour avoir généré la transcription en envoyant l'extrait audio avec son code Python à OpenAI.

Merci, Monsieur le Président.

Chers collègues,


Nous sommes réunis aujourd'hui dans cette salle à la suite d'une résolution appelée "S'unir pour la Paix". Malheureusement, cette séance d'urgence n'a rien à voir avec la paix. Chaque État membre présent aujourd'hui qui est convaincu que nous sommes sur le point de discuter d'un nouveau round de conflit au Moyen-Orient, d'un autre différend entre Israël et les Palestiniens, se trompe.

 Le massacre du 7 octobre et ce qui s'en est suivi n'ont rien à voir avec les Palestiniens, rien. Il n'a rien à voir avec le conflit arabo-israélien ou la question palestinienne. Ce n'est pas une guerre avec les Palestiniens. Israël est en guerre avec l'organisation terroriste djihadiste génocidaire du Hamas. Seulement. C'est la démocratie respectueuse des lois d'Israël contre les Nazis modernes. Nazis.

 Tels sont les faits.

 Le Hamas ne se soucie pas du peuple palestinien. Il ne se soucie pas de la paix ou du dialogue. Le Hamas n'a qu'un seul objectif : anéantir Israël et assassiner chaque juif sur la surface de la terre. Leur charte originale l'exprime très clairement. Je vais vous en lire quelques lignes :

"Israël existera et continuera d'exister jusqu'à ce que l'Islam l'anéantisse."

Une autre citation.

"Il n'y a pas de solution pour le problème palestinien sauf par le jihad."

Une autre citation.

"Le jour du Jugement ne viendra pas tant que les Musulmans n'auront pas combattu les Juifs et les auront tués.".

Chers amis, le 7 octobre, il est devenu clair pour le monde entier que la charte du Hamas n'était pas une compilation de paroles vides. C'était un plan d'action. Un plan d'action.

 Imaginez une belle journée ensoleillée, un ciel dégagé, de la musique dans l'air, des jeunes qui dansent, une rave, un concert pour la paix. Oui, pour la paix. C'est vraiment la situation tôt ce matin-là du saint sabbat. Le soleil vient juste de se lever pour marquer un nouveau jour. Ce jour est aussi une grande fête juive, Simchat Torah. Simchat Torah signifie la joie de la Torah ; nous célébrons ce jour-là le Livre des livres, notre sainte Bible. Et puis en une fraction de seconde, cet Eden idyllique est devenu un enfer sur terre. L'air paisible du matin est  percé par le hurlement des sirènes de roquettes. Des milliers, je vous le dis, des milliers de mortiers et de roquettes du Hamas sont tombés sans discernement sur de nombreuses villes et villages israéliens. Mais les roquettes ne sont qu'un prétexte pour le pogrom, le pogrom qui a suivi. Les barbares terroristes du Hamas envahissent Israël par la mer, la terre et l'air. Ils ne viennent qu'avec un seul but, un seul but :  tuer sauvagement tous ceux qu'ils rencontrent. Les meurtriers nazis du Hamas vont de maison en maison avec des listes de cibles, une attaque minutieusement planifiée, volontaire et préméditée. Ils assassinent atrocement des civils dans leur lit. Ils conduisent des camionnettes équipées de mitrailleuses. Oui, nous nous en souvenons tous, comme Daesh, et ils tirent à l'aveuglette sur les centaines de jeunes réunis pour ce concert. 300, 300 d'entre eux  ont été brûlés vifs ou massacrés. La plupart de ce qui en est resté,  n'était qu'amas de chair et de membres ensanglantés. Les parents ont dû apporter les brosses à dents de leurs enfants afin qu'on puisse en tirer leur ADN et ainsi identifier à qui appartenait tel ou tel membre.

 Ces monstres du Hamas ont violé des femmes et des enfants, ont exhibé des filles nues qu'ils avaient violées et des cadavres qu'ils avaient profanés dans les rues de Gaza où des milliers, et je vous le dis, des milliers, vous pouvez voir les images, s'amusaient et les ont  acclamés. Ces sauvages ont torturé de petits bébés. Tout comme les nazis, les terroristes du Hamas ont arraché des nourrissons de leurs berceaux. Oui, nous avons des vidéos qui en témoignent. Ils les ont frappé violemment au sol jusqu'à ce que leurs crânes deviennent de la bouillie. Les enfants ont étaient tués devant leurs parents et les parents devant leurs enfants. J'ai vu une vidéo d'un terroriste qui, en se filmant lui-même, a lancé une grenade dans un abri anti-bombes où se trouvaient un père et ses deux jeunes garçons. Le père a été tué sur le coup et les deux garçons sont sortis de l'abri en hurlant que leur père est mort et qu'ils voulaient être morts aussi. Tout cela se déroule, croyez-le ou non, pendant que le monstre qui a tué leur père, se sert calmement dans le réfrigérateur de la famille.

Oui, aucun film d'horreur ne peut être comparé à la pure brutalité perpétrée par le Hamas. Non, aucun.

 Amit Mann était une jeune femme de 22 ans originaire du kibboutz Be'eri et secouriste pour Magen David Adom, la Croix-Rouge israélienne. Elle a consacré sa vie, littéralement, et vous allez comprendre pourquoi, à sauver les autres. Lorsque les monstres du Hamas ont envahi le kibboutz, Amit s'est précipitée à la clinique pour soigner autant de blessés qu'elle le pouvait. Pendant des heures, des heures, Amit a travaillé sans relâche pour essayer de sauver des vies. Elle savait que les terroristes sadiques étaient dehors, à proximité de sa clinique, car elle entendait les coups de feu, mais elle est restée là. Elle était déterminée à sauver des vies, pas à fuir. Finalement, les terroristes ont fait irruption dans sa clinique et lui ont logé une balle, une balle, dans le cerveau. Amit était une secouriste de Magen David Adom, la Croix-Rouge israélienne, en uniforme, mais cela n'a pas arrêté ces sauvages. C'est ainsi que les équipes de secours ont trouvé Amit (et l'ambassadeur Erdan.montre une photo de Amit telle qu'elle a été trouvée).

 Des ambulances ont été incendiées, pas une, plusieurs. Des dizaines d'équipes médicales de Magen David Adom ont été délibérément ciblées en se rendant auprès des blessés, et de nombreux autres secouristes ont été assassinés. L'hôpital Barzilai, dans ma ville natale d'Ashkelon, en Israël, a subi des tirs directs de roquettes du Hamas, et ce n'était pas la première fois.

 Le Hamas tire délibérément des roquettes dessus depuis des années, depuis des années, intentionnellement, et pourtant aucune condamnation de cette barbarie n'a été mentionnée ici. Pas ici, pas par le Conseil de sécurité, pas par le Secrétaire général, et pas dans cette résolution absurde. Il semble que les hôpitaux et les équipes médicales doivent être protégés uniquement tant qu'ils ne sont pas israéliens !

L'hypocrisie est inimaginable, inimaginable.

 Les monstres brutaux semblables à l'État islamique ont enlevé plus de 220 otages venant d'Israël et de dizaines d'autres pays, y compris des bébés, des bébés, des enfants, des personnes handicapées, des personnes âgées et des survivants de l'Holocauste. Kfir Bibas, Kfir Bibas a neuf mois, neuf mois, et il est retenu en otage en ce moment à Gaza, neuf mois. Quels terroristes barbares peuvent faire une telle chose ? Et avec lui, 30 autres enfants, 30 autres enfants. Nous avons vu la brutalité du Hamas en Israël. Je n'ose même pas imaginer les horreurs que les otages endurent en ce moment même pendant que nous parlons ici.

 Vingt jours se sont écoulés et Israël continue de compter ses morts. Il a fallu des semaines pour récupérer tous les corps. Certains corps sont brûlés comme des morceaux de charbon. Il est presque impossible de les identifier.

De nombreux corps brûlés ont été retrouvés avec des cendres dans leur gorge, ce qui signifie qu'ils étaient encore en vie, encore en vie lorsqu'ils les terroristes du Hamas y ont mis le  feu, intentionnellement, par. Une masse de restes humains brûlés au-delà de toute reconnaissance a été retrouvée. Au début, le personnel médical ne pouvait même pas comprendre ce qu'ils voyaient. Pourtant, après un scanner, il est devenu clair qu'il s'agissait de deux colonnes vertébrales, pas d'une, de deux colonnes vertébrales liées ensemble par du fil barbelé, l'une appartenant à un adulte et l'autre, la petite colonne vertébrale d'un enfant. Alors, essayez simplement d'imaginer ce qu'ont ressenti les parents alors qu'eux et leur enfant brûlaient vifs, brûlaient vifs. Les hurlements douloureux de l'amour de leur vie furent la dernière chose qu'ils entendirent, la dernière chose.

 Ne trouvez-vous pas incroyable que cette résolution d'aujourd'hui et cette séance ne se concentrent pas uniquement sur les atrocités du Hamas ? En lisant cette résolution, le Hamas semble être inexistant. Les auteurs de la résolution prétendent être préoccupés par la paix. Pourtant, les meurtriers dépravés qui ont déclenché cette guerre ne sont même pas mentionnés dans la résolution, même pas mentionnés. Ils vous considèrent tous comme des marionnettes. Ils rédigent une résolution totalement dépourvue de tout contenu lié à la situation. Ils supposent que vous avez déjà oublié qui est responsable de la violence inhumaine et s'attendent à ce que vous la souteniez automatiquement. Cette résolution est une honte pour votre intelligence, une honte. Il est inimaginable qu'une résolution qui ne mentionne même pas le Hamas, puisse être votée ici. Réfléchissez-y, s'il vous plaît.

 Distingués représentants, le Hamas a perpétré des atrocités telles que nous n'en avons pas vues depuis l'Holocauste. Pourtant, contrairement à l'Holocauste, où les preuves que nous avons, sont principalement des photographies en noir et blanc et des images muettes. Ici, la preuve est en haute définition. Car une partie provient, oui, de caméras de sécurité israéliennes mais une grande partie provient aussi des téléphones portables et des caméras GoPro appartenant aux nazis du Hamas eux-mêmes. Beaucoup se demandent peut-être : pourquoi ils ont filmé cela ? Pourquoi ont-ils filmé leur violence sadique ? Eh bien, je vais vous dire pourquoi. Très simplement. Ils l'ont filmée pour terroriser le public israélien, pour diffuser ces vidéos et semer la peur dans le cœur des citoyens d'Israël. D'ailleurs, c'est ce que font les terroristes. Ils terrorisent.

 J'ai vu de nombreuses images au cours des dernières semaines qui resteront gravées à jamais dans ma mémoire, mais il y a une scène que je continue de voir lorsque j'essaie de dormir. Dans la vidéo, on peut voir un civil terriblement blessé, ensanglanté mais encore en vie, gisant par terre, tandis qu'un sauvage du Hamas, hurlant "Allahu Akbar" à répétition, frappe le cou de l'homme avec une binette de jardin dans le but de le décapiter. L'homme par terre est un travailleur agricole originaire de Thaïlande. Il n'est pas Israélien. Il n'est pas juif. Il était simplement en vie, essayant de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille. Mais il a été décapité avec un outil de jardinage émoussé.

Horrible. Israël n'est pas en guerre contre des êtres humains. Nous sommes en guerre contre des monstres. Voici la vidéo. Ma mission consiste à distribuer et à continuer de distribuer des codes QR avec un lien direct vers des fichiers où vous pouvez voir cette horreur et de nombreuses autres atrocités du Hamas. Ce que vous voyez ici ne sont pas des images d'Auschwitz mais des Israéliens violés, égorgés et brûlés vifs. Ce n'est pas Auschwitz. C'est le Hamas 

Il n'y a pas de mots dans la langue anglaise, dans aucune langue, pour décrire le mal que nous venons tous de voir. Et la raison pour laquelle il est indescriptible est parce qu'il n'a pas sa place parmi l'humanité. Plus de 1 400 personnes ont été massacrées, 1 000 pnt été blessées et plus de 220 otages sont actuellement détenus par des terroristes du Hamas ISIS. Dire que c'est le 11 septembre d'Israël serait un euphémisme. Proportionnellement, le bilan de morts de cette atrocité est 15 fois plus important que celui du 11 septembre.

 Au fait, nos ennemis ne sont pas à 7 000 miles de distance. Ils sont à 7 000 pieds, dans notre propre cour arrière. C'est pourquoi la mission d'Israël est d'éradiquer ce mal de la terre. Éradiquer. ISIS était l'État islamique d'Irak et de Syrie, et le Hamas est l'État islamique de Gaza. Donc, comme cela a été fait avec ISIS, le Hamas doit disparaître. Notre objectif est d'éliminer complètement les capacités du Hamas et nous utiliserons tous les moyens à notre disposition pour y parvenir. Pas par vengeance. Non. Pas par représailles. Non. Mais pour garantir que de telles dépravations, de telles atrocités ne se reproduisent jamais.

Israël est en première ligne dans la lutte contre le terrorisme djihadiste radical et, si Israël n'arrive pas à anéantir, à anéantir les capacités terroristes du Hamas, le monde entier en paiera le prix. L'idéologie génocidaire du Hamas, tout comme celle de l'ISIS, d'Al-Qaïda ou du régime des ayatollahs à Téhéran, en Iran, ne vise pas seulement à détruire Israël. Vous le savez tous. Il s'agit en fin de compte de la domination mondiale. La domination du monde. Il s'agit de mener la guerre sainte sur le sol de chacun de vos pays. Ils ne s'arrêteront pas tant qu'ils n'auront pas assassiné tous les infidèles comme ils nous appellent.

 Collègues, ces 16 dernières années, la communauté internationale et l'ONU ont été complaisantes face à l'expansion  terroriste du Hamas à Gaza. Complaisantes. Le monde a gardé la tête dans le sable alors que le Hamas cachait ses missiles et ses roquettes au sein de la population civile de Gaza. Il a accepté une réalité absurde selon laquelle une démocratie respectueuse des lois pourrait cohabiter avec des terroristes génocidaires qui tirent des dizaines de milliers de missiles de manière indiscriminée sur nos civils. Sans raison.

Nous avons constaté que rien ne peut changer l'idéologie génocidaire du Hamas. Ni, malheureusement, la réhabilitation de Gaza. Ni les incitations économiques. Ni aucune promesse d'un avenir meilleur. L'ONU a essayé. Beaucoup d'entre vous ont essayé. Mais tout le monde a échoué. Tout le monde a échoué. Et savez-vous pourquoi ? Parce que rien ne peut changer une idéologie génocidaire. Rien.

Il n'y a qu'une seule solution pour guérir d'un cancer. Et c'est l'éviscération de chaque cellule cancéreuse. La communauté internationale a versé des milliards de dollars dans la bande de Gaza. Et tout est allé à la machine de guerre du Hamas. Cela s'est dirigé vers leur ville souterraine de terreur. Cela s'est dirigé vers leurs installations de fabrication de missiles. Et vous vous souvenez, il y a 18 ans, Israël s'est retiré unilatéralement de toute la bande de Gaza. Nous nous sommes retirés de toute la bande de Gaza. Le Hamas aurait pu investir les fonds internationaux qu'il a reçus dans la construction de centrales électriques, de stations de dessalement de l'eau et de toute autre infrastructure civile. Mais non. Au lieu de cela, le Hamas a exploité chaque pouce de la bande de Gaza pour ses objectifs violents. Parce que, pour le Hamas, les civils gazaouis ne sont rien de plus que de la simples chair à canon. Des boucliers humains qui, dans la mort, deviennent des pions pour la campagne diffamatoire du Hamas envers Israël. Le Hamas compte sur vous. Ils sont certains qu'en dépit de la terreur et des massacres, l'ONU viendra encore à leur rescousse et empêchera Israël de se défendre.

Amis, Israël est en mission de sauvetage. Une mission pour sauver nos otages, pour sauver notre avenir, et pour sauver le peuple de Gaza de leurs tyrans sauvages. Une mission de sauvetage. Et mes collègues, la mission de sauvetage peut se terminer rapidement. Maintenant. Elle peut se terminer maintenant. Pas besoin de résolutions compliquées et vides. Elle peut se terminer maintenant. Si le Hamas pose les armes, nous rend nos otages et se livre, cette guerre prendra fin sans un seul coup de feu supplémentaire. Pas un seul. Pourquoi ne vous unissez-vous pas et ne demandez-vous pas cela au Hamas ? Si les auteurs de cette résolution veulent vraiment la paix, s'ils veulent vraiment une solution immédiate, pourquoi ne le demandent-ils pas au Hamas ?

Au contraire, cette résolution fait exactement le contraire de trouver une solution. Exactement le contraire. Plutôt que de promouvoir la paix, elle ne fait que garantir plus de violence. Elle devrait s'appeler "Unir pour le terrorisme" et non pas "Unir pour la paix". Israël a été attaqué et continue d'être attaqué. C'est un fait en ce moment, dans le sud par le Hamas et dans le nord par le Hezbollah. Pendant ce temps, la résolution appelle à un cessez-le-feu immédiat. Un cessez-le-feu signifie donner du temps au Hamas pour se réarmer afin qu'ils puissent nous massacrer à nouveau. Ce n'est pas de la spéculation. Ils le feront. Vous le savez tous. Tout appel à un cessez-le-feu n'est pas une tentative de paix. C'est une tentative de lier les mains d'Israël, nous empêchant d'éliminer une énorme menace pour nos citoyens.

 Mais les distorsions de la résolution vont encore plus loin que cela. Le Hamas, le groupe terroriste qui a déclenché cette guerre, je répète, n'est même pas mentionné. Pas une seule fois. En fait, la seule référence cachée à ces terroristes barbares peut être trouvée dans les appels aux deux parties. Les deux parties ? C'est une comparaison fausse et immorale entre la démocratie respectueuse de la loi d'Israël et un djihadisme génocidaire. Et les rédacteurs comptent sur le fait que chaque représentant distingué ici suivra aveuglément leur manœuvre. Cette résolution est une insulte à votre intelligence. Et le seul endroit où cette résolution devrait se trouver, c'est dans la poubelle de l'histoire. La poubelle de l'histoire.

 Mais chers collègues, cette résolution n'est pas la seule chose ici aujourd'hui qui est détachée de la réalité. Dans un court laps de temps, un représentant du régime maléfique qui a formé, financé et armé le Hamas pour le massacre du 7 octobre prendra la parole devant vous. Le régime des ayatollahs en Iran a du sang de milliers d'Israéliens sur les mains. Il a du sang de centaines de milliers d'Iraniens opprimés, d'Ukrainiens, d'Américains, d'Émiratis et de tant d'autres sur les mains. L'Iran est connu comme le principal sponsor d'État du terrorisme dans le monde. Et pour de bonnes raisons. Il est tout à fait naturel que le ministre des Affaires étrangères de ce régime brutal soit le prochain orateur après le rédacteur de la résolution. Le pays avec une idéologie nazie visant à annihiler Israël déclare publiquement qu'il se tient aux côtés de son mandataire, le Hamas, qui partage la même idéologie nazie et vise notre destruction. Cela est tout à fait compréhensible. En effet, il y a quelques jours à peine, il a parlé aux dirigeants du Hamas et de son groupe terroriste jumeau, le Jihad islamique palestinien, les louant pour le massacre. Et aujourd'hui, il est ici pour empoisonner vos oreilles. En effet, il unit pour la paix, s'unissant pour massacrer chaque Israélien en morceaux. Cet homme, le tueur de masse ou tout autre représentant du régime terroriste en Iran, n'a pas sa place à l'ONU, encore moins dans la famille des Nations. C'est une tache morale sur l'ONU et les valeurs sur lesquelles elle a été fondée.

 Chers collègues distingués, cette semaine, l'ONU a célébré son 78e anniversaire. Pourtant, en regardant cette résolution et les invités d'honneur accueillis aujourd'hui dans ces halls, cette organisation a montré qu'elle est si défaillante, si moralement corrompue, que je n'ai pas beaucoup d'espoir qu'elle atteigne 90 ans, encore moins 100. Je suis simplement réaliste. Aujourd'hui prouve clairement que cet organe est en train de perdre sa pertinence, sa légitimité et sa justification. Ce que nous voyons aujourd'hui est une profanation, une profanation de ce que l'ONU était censée être. Après les horreurs de l'Holocauste, cette institution a été créée pour empêcher que les atrocités ne se répètent. Pourtant, dans ces mêmes halls, nous avons des auteurs des violations les plus grotesques des droits de l'homme et des crimes contre l'humanité qui exploitent également leur pouvoir et les soi-disant membres de la famille des Nations uniquement pour cibler les démocraties respectueuses de la loi comme Israël.

 Si cette organisation veut maintenir ne serait-ce qu'une once de légitimité, il est impératif, je vous en prie, chers représentants distingués, de ne plus jouer le jeu de cette farce de double standard anti-Israël.

 Votez contre cette résolution biaisée. Tenez-vous du bon côté de l'histoire. Ne vous rangez pas du côté des djihadistes génocidaires qui sont déterminés à vous détruire. Élevez-vous au-dessus des considérations politiques internes et faites ce qui est moral et juste.

Monsieur le Président, Israël ne cessera pas de se battre pour la vérité, même si nous restons la seule voix de la raison dans ces enceintes. Israël continuera de combattre les terroristes génocidaires déterminés à notre destruction. Nous ne nous reposerons pas tant que le Hamas ne sera pas anéanti et que nos otages ne seront pas rentrés chez eux. Et nous les ramènerons chez eux.

 J'achèverai par un moment de silence en hommage à toutes les victimes de l'atrocité du Hamas. Si les partisans de cette résolution choisissent d'ignorer les victimes dans leur texte, moi je rendrai hommage à leur mémoire.

 Merci, Monsieur le Président.


Monday, October 30, 2023

Gilad Erdan’s speech at the UN General Assembly


Gilad Erdan is Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations  

Many thanks to Rami Pinku for generating the transcript by sending the extracted audio with his Python code to OpenAI 

Thank you, Mr. President. 

Distinguished colleagues, we are gathered here in this hall today as a result of a resolution called Uniting for Peace. Sadly, this emergency session has nothing to do with peace. Every member state here today who is convinced that we are about to discuss yet another round of conflict in the Middle East, another dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, is wrong. 

The October 7th massacre and what ensued has nothing to do with the Palestinians, nothing. It has nothing to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict or the Palestinian question. This is not a war with the Palestinians. Israel is at war with the genocidal jihadist Hamas terror organization. Only. It is the law-abiding democracy of Israel against modern-day Nazis. Nazis. 

These are the facts. Hamas do not care about the Palestinian people. They do not care about peace or dialogue. Hamas has only one goal - to annihilate Israel and murder every single Jew on the face of the earth. Their original charter makes this very clear. I'll read you a few lines:

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it. 

Another quote. 

There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by jihad.

 Another quote. 

The day of judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them.

 Friends, on October 7th it became clear to the entire world that Hamas's charter was not a compilation of empty words. It was an action plan. An action plan. 

Imagine a bright sunny day, clear skies, music in the air, young people are dancing, a rave, a concert for peace. Yes, for peace. It is really, it is early morning on the holy Sabbath. The sun has just risen to mark a new day. It is also a festive Jewish high holiday, Simchat Torah. Simchat Torah means the joy of the Torah where we celebrate the book of books, our holy Bible. And then in one split second this idyllic Eden became hell on earth. The peaceful morning air was pierced with the wail of rocket sirens. Thousands, I'm telling you, thousands of Hamas mortars and rockets rained down indiscriminately on many Israeli cities and villages. 

But the rockets were only cover for the pogrom, the pogrom that followed. Barbaric Hamas terrorists invaded Israel from the sea, the land, and the air. They came with one purpose, one purpose only, to savagely murder every living thing they encountered. Hamas Nazi murders went from house to house with hit lists, a thoroughly planned, willful, premeditated attack. They brutally murdered civilians in their beds. They drove pickup trucks with machine guns. Yes, we all remember, just like ISIS and fired blindly at hundreds of young people at a concert. 300, 300 were burned alive or butchered in that concert. Much of what remained were clumps of flesh and bloody limbs. Parents had to bring their children's toothbrushes for DNA so they could so they could figure out whose limb belonged to who.

These Hamas monsters raped women and children, parading naked girls that they raped and bodied that they defiled through the streets of Gaza while thousands, and I'm telling you thousands, you can see the footage, jeered and cheered. The savages tortured small babies. Just like the Nazis, Hamas terrorists removed infants from their cribs. Yes, we have it on video. Swung them repeatedly against the ground until their skulls became a pulp. Children were murdered in front of their parents and parents in front of their children. I've seen a video of a terrorist filmed by him, by himself, who tossed a grenade into a bomb shelter with a father and his two young boys inside. The father was killed instantly and the two boys ran out of the shelter screaming that their father is dead and that they want to be dead too. All this is occurring, believe it or not, as the monster who murdered their father calmly helps himself to the contents of the family's fridge. 

Yes, no horror movie compares to the pure brutality that Hamas carried out. No, none. 

Amit Mann, a 22-year-old from Kibbutz Be'eri and a paramedic for Magen David Adom, Israel's Red Cross. She dedicated her life, literally, and you will understand why, to saving others. When the Hamas monsters invaded the Kibbutz, Amit ran to the clinic to treat as many wounded as she could. For hours, hours, Amit worked non-stop trying to save lives. She knew the sadistic terrorists were outside her clinic because she heard the gunfire, but she stayed there. She was committed to saving lives, not running away. Finally, the terrorist burst into her clinic and put a bullet, a bullet, through her brain. She was a Magen David Adom paramedic, the Israeli Red Cross, in uniform, but that didn't stop these savages. This is how the rescue teams found Amit. 

Ambulances were set on fire, not one, many. Dozens of Magen David Adom medical teams were intentionally targeted on the way to tend to the wounded, and many other paramedics were murdered. Barzilai Hospital in my hometown city, Ashkelon, in Israel, suffered direct hits from Hamas rockets, not for the first time. Hamas has been deliberately firing rockets at it for years, for years, intentionally, yet not a single condemnation of this barbarity has been mentioned here. Not here, not by the Security Council, not by the Secretary General and not by this absurd resolution. It seems that hospitals and medical teams only need to be protected as long as they are not Israeli.

 The hypocrisy is beyond belief, beyond belief. 

The brutal ISIS-like monsters abducted over 220 hostages from Israel and dozens of other countries, including babies, babies, children, persons with disabilities, the elderly and Holocaust survivors. Kfir Bibas, Kfir Bibas is nine months old, nine months old, and he is being held right now in Gaza as a hostage, nine months old. What barbaric terrorists can do such a thing? And together with him, 30 other children, 30 other children. We saw Hamas's brutality in Israel. I cannot begin to fathom what horrors the hostages are enduring right now as we speak here. Twenty days have gone by and Israel is still counting her dead. It took weeks to collect all of the bodies. Some bodies are burnt like pieces of coal. It is almost impossible to identify them. 

Countless burned bodies have been found with ash in their throats, meaning they were still alive, still alive when lit on fire, intentionally, by the Hamas terrorists. A clump of charred human remains that was burned beyond recognition was found. At first, the medical personnel couldn't figure out what they were looking at. Yet, after a CT scan, it became clear that they were two spines, not one, two spines bound together with wire, one belonging to an adult and the other, the small spine of a child. So just try to imagine that parents feeling as they and their child were burning alive, burning alive. The painful screaming of the love of their life was the last thing they heard, the last thing. 

Do you not think it's unbelievable that this resolution here today and this session are not solely focused on Hamas's atrocities? When reading this resolution, Hamas seems to be missing in action. The drafters of the resolution claim to be concerned about peace. Yet, the depraved murderers who initiated this war are not even mentioned in the resolution, not even mentioned. They see each one of you as a puppet. They write a resolution completely devoid of any content related to the situation. They assume that you have already forgotten who it is that is responsible for the inhumane violence, and they just expect you to support it automatically. This resolution is a disgrace to your intelligence, a disgrace. It is unfathomable that such a resolution, one that doesn't even mention Hamas, could possibly be voted upon here. Let that sink in, please. 

Distinguished representatives, Hamas carried out atrocities, the likes of which we have not seen since the Holocaust. Yet, unlike the Holocaust, where the evidence we have is mostly black and white photographs and soundless footage, here, the proof is in high definition. Because some of it is from, yes, security footage, but much of it is from the cell phones and GoPro cameras belonging to the Hamas Nazis themselves. Many may be asking, why did they film this? Why did they film their sadistic violence? Well, I'll tell you why. Very simple. They filmed it in order to terrorize the Israeli public, to release these videos and put fear in the hearts of the citizens of Israel. By the way, this is what terrorists do. They terrorize.

 I have seen much footage over the past weeks that will be seared into my mind forever, but there is one sight that I keep on seeing when I try to sleep. In the video, one can see a terrible injured civilian, bloodied yet alive, laying on the ground as a Hamas savage, screaming Allahu Akbar repeatedly, pummels the man's neck with a garden hoe in order to decapitate him. The man on the ground is an agricultural worker from Thailand. He's not Israeli. He's not Jewish. He was merely alive, trying to make a living for his family. But he was decapitated with a blunt gardening tool. 

Horrifying. Israel is not at war with human beings. We are at war with monsters. Here is the video. My mission distributed and will continue to distribute QR codes with a direct link to files where you can see this horror and many other Hamas atrocities. What you see here are not pictures from Auschwitz, but Israelis raped, butchered, and burned alive. This is not Auschwitz. This is Hamas. 

There are no words in the English language, in any language, to describe the evil that we all just witnessed. And the reason it is not describable is because it has no place among humankind. Over 1,400 have been slaughtered, 1,000 injured, and over 220 hostages are being held right now by Hamas ISIS terrorists. To say that this is Israel's 9-11 would be an understatement. Proportionally, the death toll of this atrocity is 15 times bigger than 9-11. 

By the way, our enemies are not 7,000 miles away. They are 7,000 feet away in our own backyard. So for this reason, Israel's mission is to eradicate this evil from the earth. Eradicate. ISIS was the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and Hamas is the Islamic State of Gaza. So just as was done with ISIS, Hamas must be no more. Our goal is to completely eradicate Hamas's capabilities, and we will use every mean at our disposal to accomplish this. Not for revenge. No. Not for retaliation. No. But to ensure that such depravity, such atrocities never occur again. 

Israel is at the forefront of the war on radical jihadist terror, and if Israel doesn't succeed in obliterating, obliterating Hamas's terror capabilities, the whole world will pay the price. Hamas's genocidal ideology, just like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or the Ayatollah regime in Tehran, of Iran, is not just about destroying Israel. You all know it. It is ultimately about world domination. World. It is about bringing the jihad war to the soil of each and every one of your countries. They will not stop until they murder all of the infidels, as they call us. 

Colleagues, for the past 16 years, the international community and the UN have been complacent to Hamas's terror buildup in Gaza. Complacent. The world has kept its head in the sand as Hamas embedded its missiles and rockets deep within and under the civilian population of Gaza. It accepted an absurd reality that a law-abiding democracy could live side by side with cancerous genocidal terrorists that fire tens of thousands of missiles indiscriminately at our civilians. Unprovoked. 

We have seen that nothing can change Hamas's genocidal ideology. Not, sadly, not the rehabilitation of Gaza. Not economic incentives. Not any promise of a brighter future. The UN tried. Many of you tried. But everyone failed. Everyone failed. And you know why? Because nothing can change a genocidal ideology. Nothing.

 There is only one solution to curing a cancer. And it is the evisceration of every cancerous cell. The international community has poured billions of dollars into Gaza. And it all went to Hamas's war machine. It went to its subterranean city of terror. It went to its missile manufacturing facilities. And you remember, 18 years ago, Israel unilaterally withdrew from all of Gaza. We withdrew from all of Gaza. Hamas could have invested the international funding it received into building power plants, water desalination plants, every other civil infrastructure. But no. Instead, Hamas exploited every inch of the Gaza Strip for their violent goals. Because to Hamas, Gazan civilians are nothing more than mere cannon fodder. Human shields, who in death become pawns for Hamas's libelous propaganda campaign. 

Hamas is counting on you. They are certain that despite the terror and massacre, the UN will still come to their rescue and prevent Israel from defending itself. 

Friends, Israel is on a rescue mission. A rescue mission to save our hostages, to save our future, and to save the people of Gaza from their savage tyrants. A rescue mission. And colleagues, the rescue mission can end quickly. Now. It can end now. No need for complicated, empty resolutions. It can end now. Should Hamas put down their arms, return our hostages, and turn themselves in, this war will end without one more shot being fired. Not even one. Why do you not unite and call on Hamas to do this? If the drafters of this resolution truly want peace, if they truly want an immediate solution, then why do they not demand this of Hamas? 

Instead, this resolution does the exact opposite of finding a solution. The exact opposite. Rather than promoting peace, it only ensures more violence. It should be called uniting for terror, not uniting for peace. Israel has been attacked and continues to be attacked. This is a fact right now in the south from Hamas and in the north from Hezbollah. Meanwhile, the resolution calls for an immediate ceasefire. A ceasefire means giving Hamas time to rearm itself so they can massacre us again. This is not speculation. They will do so. You all know this. Any call for a ceasefire is not an attempt at peace. It is an attempt to tie Israel's hands, preventing us from eliminating a huge threat to our citizens. 

But the resolution's distortions go even deeper than that. Hamas, the terror group that started this war, I reiterate, is not even mentioned. Not even once. In fact, the only hidden reference to these barbaric terrorists can be found in calls on both parties. Both parties? This is a false, immoral comparison between the law-abiding democracy of Israel and a genocidal jihadist. And the drafters are counting on the fact that each and every distinguished representative here will blindly go along with their ploy. This resolution is an insult to your intelligence. And the only place this resolution belongs is in the dustbin of history. The dustbin of history. 

But colleagues, this resolution is not the only thing here today that is detached from reality. In a short time, a representative of the evil regime that trained, funded, and armed Hamas for the October 7th massacre will address you. The Ayatollah regime of Iran has the blood of thousands of Israelis on its hands. It has the blood of hundreds of thousands of oppressed Iranians, of Ukrainians, of Americans, of Emiratis, and so many others on its hands. Iran is known as the world's number one state sponsor of terror. And for good reasons. It's completely natural that the foreign minister of this brutal regime should be the speaker following the resolution drafter. The country with a Nazi ideology of annihilating Israel, publicly says, stands in solidarity with its proxy Hamas, which shares the same Nazi ideology and aims for our destruction. This is completely understandable. Indeed, mere days ago, he spoke with the leaders of Hamas and its twin terror group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, praising them, praising them for the slaughter. And today he is here to fill your ears with poison. Indeed, uniting for peace, uniting to butcher every Israeli to pieces. This man, the mass murderer or any other representative of the terror regime in Iran, has no place at the UN, let alone in the family of nations. It is a moral stain on the UN and the values it was founded upon. 

Distinguished colleagues, this week the UN celebrated its 78th birthday. Yet, looking at this resolution and the honorary guests hosted today in these halls, this organization has shown that it is so broken, so morally corrupt, that I do not have high hopes that it will make it to 90, let alone 100. I'm just a realist. Today serves as the clearest proof that this body is bleeding its relevance, legitimacy and justification. What we are witnessing today is a desecration, a desecration of what the UN was meant to be. Following the horrors of the Holocaust, this institution was established to prevent atrocities from repeating themselves. Yet, in these very halls, we have perpetrators of the most grotesque human rights violations and crimes against humanity who also exploit their power and so-called members of the family of nations only to single out law-abiding democracies such as Israel. If this organization wants to maintain any shred of legitimacy, it is imperative that you, please, distinguished representatives, no longer play along with this farce of anti-Israel double standards. Vote against this biased resolution. 

Stand on the right side of history. Don't stand with the genocidal jihadists committed to your destruction. Rise above internal political considerations and do what is moral and right. 

Mr. President, Israel will not stop fighting for the truth, even if we remain the sole voice of reason in these halls. Israel will continue combating the genocidal terrorists committed to our destruction. We will not rest until Hamas is obliterated and our hostages are returned home. And we will bring them home.

I will conclude with a moment of silence for all the victims of Hamas's atrocity. If the supporters of this resolution choose to ignore the victims in their text, I will pay respect to their memory.  

Thank you, Mr President. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Iron Dome in action


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Let’s face it -  1400 Israelis were murdered because Israeli politicians were ignorant about political Islam. For Hamas, jihadi ideology always takes precedence over economic incentive, and Israeli politicians should have known it.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden will not stop Israel’s righteous retribution on Hamas


6:00 Victor Davis Hanson: …..    And so they really inflamed Israel justifiably in a way that we have never seen before, and they’ve woken up, and the reaction is going to be exactly like in the Yom Kippur war, except to the n-th degree. And I don’t think that Hamas understands that this is the first time in our lives, John, that there is no restraint to speak of. I know that Joe Biden will go there and he will say do this and do that and do that, but he is not gonna stop this righteous retribution on Hamas and then Hezbollah is talking, talking, talking and Iran is talking, talking, talking and beating their chest and tomorrow is supposed to be a day of reckoning, but they don't understand that they’re widely despised in the Western Europe, is sick of them and Europe is clamping  down on their own unassimilated immigrant Muslim population and we are  getting very angry at ours. You have a problem as well in Australia and I think there is no patience anymore.

The second thing is that Joe Biden is not leading events, he has been driven by events.

They have 100000 rockets in Lebanon. If they get full of themselves and they send, I don’t know,  5000, 4000 at the US fleet, perhaps one might hit it, a lot might hit it. But they don’t understand that there is no patience with them any more, there is no restraint on the United States . Russia is bogged down in Ukraine, China has one, two concerns. One, everything that hurts the United States they are up for, but #2 they don’t want  40 percent of their oil disrupted and they don’t want a big war in the Middle East, not right now with the economic difficulties and what that means is that the clients of Iran are not going to be eager to get into a war with the United States or the West in general, and so Iran has no client, it has no backup. And I don’t know if they know that.  They keep thinking that because of  the weakness of this administration that it’s systemic and will continue forever, but I do not think that Joe Biden will be able to stop the righteous anger if they do something stupid and they may well do something stupid because we’ve lost deterrence. 

John Anderson: That is very Interesting that you are seeing, as you say, perhaps we are being dragged to it rather than leading events, but nonetheless, as the Russians discovered, and now the Middle East is observing, the rest of the world is observing, when it comes to foreign affairs, when it really comes down to it, America is still resolute enough to stand up, it has the willpower That seems to be one of the great messages out of this?

VDH: I think so. There is a weird calculus going on because there are people in the Democratic party, not their crazy lunatic squad base, but are very strong supporters of Israel, and they are shocked by this nihilist blood curdling support for Hamas’s barbary and savagery, and they want Israel to retaliate. That is not coming from the Conservative or the Right, that’s coming from the mainstream Democratic party. They are telling Joe Biden you’ve got to let Israel go, and do what they need to do, and that’s very new. When you have a Democratic president. I don’t think that people abroad fully comprehend -you have no restraint. Typically  a Republican or a conservative Administration wants to have deterrence and then the Left almost in Pavlovian fashion says this is imperialistic, neo-colonialist, provocative. Trump killed Solemaini, he got blasted for it,  Trump bombed Isis, he got blasted for it. But when the Democratic people are in, there is no restraint because no Republican would say please don’t hit Iran or please don’t hit Hamas. You have members of their own party who were outraged what happened to Israel and what Hamas and  Hezbollah and Iran are saying about that but what they are going to do in addition to that. 

I don’t see when I look at the landscape here or abroad, I don’t see any restraining voice that is going to say you better not do that or else, or you cannot do that because that would be amoral or it’s against UN rules of war. There is nothing of that. I don’t hear any of that. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

How the West can and must win World War IV

Andrey Piontkovski

Translated from Russian using google translate from

Andrey Piontkovsky: It is necessary to somewhat change the sequence of moves  

After the “exercises” in Ryazan in September 1999, it became obvious to everyone except those who wanted to deceive themselves that a series of house explosions in Russia were organized by the de facto  security officers who had seized power with the aim of blaming the Chechens, starting a war and victoriously immersing  both  Chechnya and Russia in their patriotic toilets.

More than 20 years later, the mature Putin and Patrushev set their sights on a much larger-scale performance - an epoch-making Victory over the West in the Fourth World War as revenge for the defeat of the USSR in the third (cold) War. The historical victory that has been cultivated for decades smoothly morphed into victory live.

The grievances of the “good Hitler” towards the West are much larger and more painful than simply the loss of certain zones of dominance. For centuries, the West has been perceived by Kremlin rulers as an existential threat to their power by the very fact of its existence as a possible historical alternative. Fascinated by the technological and consumer fruits of the West and greedily wanting to master (implement) them, our Horde khans - “modernizers” always with animal fear rejected the roots of Western civilization and its air - the hated air of Freedom and Human Dignity.

Putin and Patrushev were absolutely convinced themselves and convinced the entire ruling elite that they had a unique opportunity to replay world history with one throw of the dice and take revenge for the defeat of the USSR. “The Yankees will retreat to nuclear blackmail and surrender the Baltics,” the Kremlin sages believed. “Like Chamberlain surrendered Czechoslovakia, like Obama surrendered Syria, abandoning his own red lines, when no one even threatened him.”

“Get your belongings and get out,” the fat-faced deputy minister demanded from 30 NATO countries. “If you refuse, you will suffer catastrophes unprecedented in your thousand-year history,” the future Lord of the World threatened.


The chance to humiliate and trample the West with one clash of wills, showing its confusion, indecision and helplessness, despite all its colossal economic and military superiority, was so attractive and promised such dizzying geopolitical dividends that the under-Führer of the under-empire could not avoid the temptation and stubbornly walked towards his nuclear Austerlitz. Which turned into a conventional Waterloo.

The fate of the world was decided at the Battle of Gostomel in February 2022. If Kiev had fallen and, in the aura of his “victory,” Putin, menacingly waving his nuclear cannon, had appeared on the borders of the Baltics and Poland, then the West of the spring of 2022 could have wavered and the crazy plan of two Ps would have triumphed.

A lot has changed over the past year and a half. Ukraine, with its heroic feat of the 300 Spartans of the Free World, literally dragged the hedonistic West back into world History by the scruff of the neck. The United States finally responded to nuclear blackmail with dignity, explaining very clearly to Pu what would happen to him personally if he only reached for nuclear weapons. Pu himself never doubted the conventional superiority of the West. He completely lost World War IV, which he declared to the West, and now dreams of a ceasefire in Ukraine, which he could sell to the deep people as a fake “honorable draw.” But World War IV itself, declared to the West, did not end. Another ambitious scumbag appeared from behind the unlucky St. Petersburg hooligan.

The Islamofascist regime of Iranian religious fanatics and executioners, which has been cursing Satan No. 1 for half a century, has come to the same strategic conclusion as their Kremlin brothers in mind. To morally crush the weakening United States and throw it into the dustbin of world history, it is enough to demonstratively and with impunity defeat one of the United States’ allies. The Kremlin simply demanded the surrender of a dozen Eastern European NATO countries to them. The Ayatollahs have long dreamed of the destruction of Israel, Major non-NATO ally USA.

The terrorist attack of October 7, 2023, monstrous in its boundless cruelty, became the first step in a multi-step operation conceived by Tehran (with the interested complicity of Moscow) to finally resolve the Jewish question in the Middle East.


The atrocities ordered by the organizers and demonstratively broadcast live to the whole world had one goal - to make inevitable a ground operation by the Israeli army to destroy the infrastructure and personnel of Hamas.

When the army gets deeply bogged down in the hardest, long-term cleansing of the ruins and dungeons of Gaza, accompanied by heavy losses, the facilitators  will  unleash a 50,000-strong horde of Hezbollah thugs on the North of Israel. This simple plan was so obvious that it was thwarted the very next day, October 8, when the Leader of the Free World, the United States of America, finally woke up from a politically correct sleep.

Two aircraft carrier formations and very kind words from Biden, Blinken, and Austin are a convincing argument for Hezbollah and its handlers. Now they will limit itself to constant shelling and raids, without deciding on a large-scale invasion. Israel, thanks to its powerful ally, will have the opportunity to complete the cleansing of Gaza without being distracted by other serious challenges. It would seem a very favorable prospect for Israel.

Let us imagine, however, the final situation the day after this conditional victory. There were very large losses among Israeli military personnel; most likely, most of the hostages died; against the backdrop of the growing joint howl of Islamic fascists and Western liberals about the suffering of civilians in Gaza, an insoluble problem arises: what to do next with a million of these “civilians.” Especially when the Iranian mycelium of Islamist terror has remained untouched and left unpunished, continuously generating, financing and arming similar Hamas throughout the Middle East.

Are there other scenarios possible, more rosier for Israel, for the absolutely necessary physical destruction of Hamas? In our opinion, yes. Only the allies (Israel, the USA) need to understand that in the course of the total war they have declared, they have more urgent problems today than revenge on Hamas, and it is necessary to slightly change the sequence of moves.

But first, I would like to remind readers of the remarkable words of US Secretary of State Tony Blinken, which he said on October 12 regarding the nature of the allied relationship between the United States and Israel: "The message that I bring to Israel is this: You may be strong enough on your own to defend yourself – but as long as America exists, you will never, ever have to. We will always be there, by your side.”

Based on this message delivered by Blinken in Jerusalem, let me offer the allies an alternative scenario for a convincing Western Victory over their mortal enemies.

Hezbollah, which is preparing for a large-scale attack on Israel but is still hesitant, is dealt a withering blow by the power of two aircraft carrier formations of the United States and the Israeli Air Force. Hezbollah's military infrastructure and the fashionable mansions of its leadership in Beirut are being destroyed. What kind grandfather Biden threatened a certain “organization” on October 8 if it “messed around” is being realized.

So, according to all formal grounds, at the time of writing this text, Hezbollah had already “attacked.” In the end, it is the prerogative of the author of the warning to determine whether she has "poked" or not.

A just act of retaliation against Hezbollah terrorists for all the crimes they have already committed and are still preparing has independent political and military significance. But it is also an absolutely necessary precondition for the Allies' main operation, the air strike on Iran. Iran does not hide the fact that the huge missile arsenal it supplied to Hezbollah, aimed at Israel, is, among other things, a tool to deter the Jewish state from striking the Iranian nuclear complex.

Israel has long warned that it would carry out such a strike on its own if Iran came close to possessing nuclear weapons. The United States has also repeatedly stated that it does not rule out a military solution to the Iranian nuclear problem. And just recently, the Pentagon announced that, according to US military intelligence, the ayatollahs are two weeks away from receiving the first nuclear warhead. It is no longer possible to hesitate. Israel has always emphasized that, if necessary, it is independently capable of carrying out nuclear castration of Iran.

But now the city and the world are told very loudly that Israel must never, ever do this alone. America will always be there.

Moreover, in today's circumstances, the list of targets for air strike(s) should be significantly expanded. Israel can no longer cope alone. The Iranian military-political leadership, waging a war of physical destruction of Israel and the moral destruction of the United States, is worse than ISIS and must be mercilessly eliminated. Therefore, the list of targets, in addition to all facilities of Iran’s nuclear complex and missile industry, should also include decision-making centers (ayatollahs on the list, starting with the supreme one, the leadership of the IRGC, the army).

An outside observer of these dramatic events inside Iran, the Turkish-Azerbaijani army will immediately offer security guarantees to 30 million of its compatriots, who will greet it with delight as the liberating army. Erdogan and Aliyev will adjust their famous formula “One people – two countries” to “One people – three countries”.

The wonderful little state of Israel does not have territorial strategic depth. Therefore, every big war for him is a war of survival. In 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike and won a brilliant victory. In 1973, he refrained from such a blow and put himself on the brink of disaster.

This time Israel has a powerful ally, much more determined in its support for Israel than in 1967 and 1973. He won't go into the catacombs of Gaza, but he's capable of much more. Moreover, Israel, like Ukraine, is today at the forefront of a world war, declared by the axis of absolute evil, primarily against the United States of America.

After two crushing, if you will, preventive strikes by the allies against Hezbollah and Iran, the delayed ground cleansing of Hamas, which overnight lost its sponsors and inspirers, will take place in a completely different political and psychological atmosphere. The losses of Israeli military personnel will be an order of magnitude less than expected today. And in response to the question of what to do next with Gaza, in the absence of Iranian Islamofascists, quite constructive answers may appear. Not only Gaza, but the entire Middle East will be able to unhindered continue its positive transformation in the spirit of the Abraham Accords.

The allies will still have to strike at Hezbollah and Iran. But delivering these two successive strikes today is much more effective from both a military and political point of view than after the IDF’s grueling expedition into the underground of Gaza.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Israel! Glory to the USA! To the victorious powers in World War IV, unleashed by the mortal enemies of the Free World.

Andrey Piontkovsky

Monday, October 9, 2023

Andrey Piontkovski’s take on the Hamas/Iran - Israel war

I just watched the analysis of the situation by Andrey Piontkovski who used to be a Soviet mathematician  (a hundred papers on applied mathematics) and who is now a political analyst and lives in Washington, DC. This was in a discussion with Mark Feygin who used to be Piontkovski’s lawyer.  

Here is what he thinks of the situation:

He has no doubts whatsoever that Israel is going to attack Iran. He said that Biden’s decision to send the USS Gerald Ford carrier force came after he had been pounded by both Republicans and Democrats for giving $6 billion to Iran (the US ended up financing the attack on Israel), and that dispatching the carrier group is one of the most significant development in the crisis. It would stop Hezbollah from attacking from the north. Whether the US would directly participate in the attack on Iran he does not know, but it would definitely help. Biden is embarrassed and wants to atone. 

It has now crystallized that we have two fascist regimes fighting two democracies. Iran through Hamas is attacking Israel while Russia is bombing Ukraine. He also mentioned that there has been an explosion of anti-Semitism in the Russian pro-Putin media the magnitude of which he has not encountered in years.

He has been shocked by the failure of Israeli intelligence, the reasons for the fiasco wil be determined after the war, but that now Bibi should go for an emergency unity government just like Churchill did with Atlee in 1940.

Piontkovski believes that Israel should get off the fence and give more support to Ukraine, now that we have a clear case of  totalitarian regimes vs democracies.  He compared what Hamas was doing to the Israeli civilians to what Russian soldiers had done in Buche . He even believes that there should be a military  agreement between Ukraine and Israel 

He understands the horrible predicament the Israeli government is now facing with having to  save the lives of the hostages on the one hand and destroying Hamas on the other. 

Hamas’ atrocities have finally exposed to the liberal West who they are. 

His time-line  predictions for the war are as follows: 

1st week - cleaning up the area around Gaza and trying to save the hostages

2nd and 3rd  week -  destroying Hamas

4th  week  - destroying the Iranian threat once and for all. He said Israel could do it alone but preferably with US help.