
Friday, September 18, 2015

In Senate Floor Speech, Rubio Opposes Iran Deal


The Senator from Florida.

Mr. President, I will be brief, I know that the senator from Tennessee would like to close on this matter. I think everything that needs to be said about the details of this deal has already been said. I do want to be recorded for history’s purposes, for I know what is going to happen in regards to this if it goes through.

Iran will immediately use the money that it is receiving from sanctions relief to begin to build up its conventional capabilities. It will establish the most dominant military power in the region outside the United States and it will raise the price of us operating in the region. They are going to build anti-access capability, rockets capable of destroying our aircraft carriers and ships, continue to build the swift boats that are able to come on us, these fast boats that are able to swarm our naval assets, and will make harder and harder for US troops to be in the region. They will also work with other terrorist groups in the region that target American servicemen and women, and they may and may not deny that they are involved, but they will target us and raise the price of our presence in the Middle East until they hope to completely pull us out of that region.

They will also continue to build long range missiles. Missiles capable of reaching the United States, those are not affected by this deal and they will continue to build them as they have been doing. And then at some point in the near future, when the time is ripe, they will build a nuclear weapon, and they will do so because at that point they will know that they have become immune, that we will no longer be able to strike their nuclear program because the price of doing so would be too high.

This is not just a work of imagination, it exists in the world today – it is called North Korea, where a lunatic possesses dozens of nuclear weapons, and a long range rocket that can already reach the United Sates.  And we cannot do anything about it. An attack on North Korea today would result in an attack on Tokyo or Soul, or Guam, or Hawaii or California.

And so the world must now live with a lunatic in possession of nuclear weapons.
And this is the goal Iran has as well. To reach the point when they become immune to any sort of credible military threat, because the price of military strike would be too high, and then they become an established nuclear weapons power. And never in the history of the world has such a regime ever possessed weapons so capable of destruction.
Iran is led by a supreme leader who is a radical Shi’a cleric with an apocalyptic vision of the future. He is not a traditional geopolitical actor who makes decisions on the basis of borders or simply history, or because of ambitions. He has a religious apocalyptic vision of the future.    One that calls for triggering a conflict between the non-Moslem world and the Moslem world. One that he feels specially obligated to trigger.  And he is going to possess nuclear weapons?!

This is the world we are on the verge of leaving our children to inherit, and perhaps we ourselves will have to share in it. And so I want to be recorded for history’s purposes if nothing else to say that those of us who opposed this deal understood where it would lead, and we are making a terrible mistake, and I fear that the passage of this deal will make it even harder for us to prevent it, and I hope that there is still time to change our minds, but here is the good news. Iran may have a supreme leader, but America does not. And in this nation we have a republic, and soon we will have new leaders, perhaps in this chamber, but also in the executive branch, and I pray that the first day in office, they will reverse this deal and re-impose the sanctions, and back them up with a credible threat of military force, or history will condemn us, for not doing what needed to be done at this critical moment in world’s history. I yield the floor.