
Friday, November 8, 2013

Livid Netanyahu: this is a bad deal, a very, very bad deal!

I met Secretary Kerry right before he leaves to Geneva. I reminded him that he said that no deal is better than a bad deal. And the deal that is being discussed in Geneva right now is a bad deal. It’s a very bad dead. Iran is not required to take apart even one centrifuge, but the international community is relieving sanctions on Iran for the first time after many years . Iran gets everything that it wanted at this stage and it pays nothing. And this is when Iran is under severe pressure. I urge Secretary Kerry not to rush to sign, to wait, to reconsider, to get a good deal., but this is a bad deal, a very, very bad deal. It’s the deal of the century for Iran. It’s a very dangerous and bad deal for peace and the international community.


I understand the Iranians are walking around very satisfied in Geneva, as well they should be, because they got everything and paid nothing. Everything they wanted. They wanted relief of sanctions after years of a grueling sanction regime – they got that. They paid nothing because they are not reducing in any way their enrichment capability. So Iran gets the deal of the century, and the international community got a bad, deal. This is a very bad deal, and Israel utterly rejects it and what I am saying is shared by many, many in the region, whether or not they express it publicly. Israel is not obliged by this agreement, and Israel will do everything it needs to do to defend itself and to defend the security of its people . That is true also of our negotiations with the Palestinians. I will never compromise with Israel’s security and our vital interests. Not in the face of any international pressure. I think the pressure has to be put where it belongs, that is on the Palestinians who refuse to budge. But I think in any case, no amount of pressure will make me or the government of Israel compromise on the basic security and national interest of the State of Israel. And the people of Israel know this and they support it, as they should.

Munich 1938

George Santayana:
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

When the meeting broke up at 1:30 am, noted Schmidt,”Chamberlain bid a hearty farewell to the Führer.” As he left the Dreesen, a newspaperman intercepted him to ask: “Is it hopeless, sir?” Chamberlain replied: “I would not like to say that. It is up to the Czechs now.” In other words, peace was possible unless the Czechs stubbornly insisted on defending their homeland.
On Sept 2, 1939, when some MPs heard Chamberlain's reaction to Hitler's attack on Poland (the previous day), they vomited.
When will Senators and Congressmen start vomiting?