
Friday, December 13, 2019

Bravo, Boris! The Brits have refound their soul and identity

Bravo, Boris!  The Brits have refound their soul and identity. They refused to vote for the Hamas and Hezbollah supporting communist.

‘Please stand down’: Labour figures want Corbyn to go now

Labour figures are piling pressure on Jeremy Corbyn to quit immediately. Corbyn said he would not lead the party into the next election, but would stay on for a “period of reflection”.

Margaret Hodge who held her London seat, tweeted: “Corbyn talking about a period of reflection. I’ve reflected. You failed. Please stand down.”

Ian Murray, who held his Edinburgh South seat, said: “Every door I knocked on, and my team and I spoke to 11,000 people, mentioned Corbyn … we must change course and fast.”

Ruth Smeeth was among the several defeated candidates blaming the leader for the humiliation. “Corbyn’s actions on antisemitism have made us the nasty party,” she said. “We are the racist party.”

Phil Wilson, who lost Tony Blair's former seat of Sedgefield to the Tories, was highly critical. “Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership was a bigger problem. To say otherwise is delusional,” he tweeted. “The party's leadership went down like a lead balloon on the doorstep.”

Labour’s Jess Phillips was asked if it was Brexit, Corbyn or policies that were too far to the left which caused the Labour defeat and she said it was “all of those things and many other things”.

Corbyn collapse

Regarding “British Jewry breathes huge sigh of relief after Johnson defeats Corbyn” (December 15), you published a letter of mine in July in which I wrote, “I sense a change in the air; for the first time in years, there is hope. “

And last Thursday, at three seconds past midnight Israel time, when the exit polls were revealed, I jumped out of my seat. Bravo, Boris! The Brits have re-found their soul and identity. The antisemitic Hezbollah- and Hamas-loving communist Jeremy Corbyn has been thoroughly defeated.
Ruth Smeeth was among the several defeated candidates blaming the leader for the humiliation.

“Corbyn’s actions on antisemitism have made us the nasty party,” she said. “We are the racist party.”

Boris Johnson’s command of the English language remind me of Churchill, but what is more important is that the British population has woken up just as it did during Churchill’s first term in office – their finest hour.
