
Friday, May 31, 2024

Dr. Michael Oren on the link between the IDF Rafah strike and the camp ammunition explosion

Dr. Michael Oren, 2:04 into the video

“I had to go on the news yesterday and actually show that the two very small bombs, the smallest bombs in the Israeli Air Force's arsenal, used to take out these two Hamas commanders,  exploded 200 yards from this camp!. 200 yards.  No one ever reported this. 200 yards from the camp!. How does that result in the entire camp going up in flames? And clearly, clearly there was ammunition beneath this camp.  How that ammunition went off is another problem. “  
Did Hamas blow up the ammunition themselves by making sure that any minor explosion 200 yards away from the ammunition would ignite it? The time between the first  explosion from the Israeli strike on the two Hamas commanders and the second explosion of the ammunition under the camp should help determine what happened.