In Kostroma, regional Duma member Vladimir Mikhailov invited his colleagues to make an appeal to Putin about the inadmissibility of a preventive nuclear strike. He was not only not supported, but advised to see a doctor.
Vladimir Mikhailov:
“Recently on the central
Russian TV channels there has been discussions by federal officials,
politicians, journalists and experts of the scenario in which a possible preventive
nuclear attack is executed by Russia. This Russian first use of nuclear weapons goes
against Russian nuclear policy according to which the use of nuclear weapons is
possible in the case of an existential threat to our country. At this moment there
is no such threat facing Russia. The use of nuclear weapons by Russia will result
in a global nuclear war in which all of humankind will be destroyed. I believe that
it is impermissible for Russia to execute a nuclear attack first. So, colleagues,
I ask you to put this forward for discussion and later support …
To the president, thank
you “
Results of the vote:
Against 26
For 2
Abstained 3
Voice – colleagues, we
have 31, so the motion is not carried .
Vladimir Mikhailov:
“May I say a few words
on the results of the vote?”
Voice - yes, go ahead
Vladimir Mikhailov:
“My respected colleagues,
you do not sufficiently understand what has been transpiring today. Russia has
never been a threat to world peace and humanity. We were brought up on the
ideas of peace, good and justice. Since you not only did not support this motion,
but refused to discuss it, I will leave this meeting in protest and consider
what you are doing is supporting the possibility of a nuclear attack. Consequently,
you have in fact voted for a nuclear war refusing to even consider my
suggestion. “
A comment from one of
his colleagues:
“Vladimir Viktorovich, I
think you should consult a doctor. “