Joining me now to the reaction to the
prime minister’s Netanyahu’s address --
two men with extensive foreign policy and military experience - John Bolton, who of course is the former US
ambassador to the United Nations and a Fox News contributor and general Jack
Keane who's a retired four star general, former vice chief of staff of the army
and a Fox News military analyst.
You have some interesting thoughts on
this. Number one, general, you were saying
a shift in the timing, in terms of what the prime minister views as the
ultimate date on Iran 's
nuclear weapons program.
Well, the prime minister consistently has
been saying we are we're out of time and a number of months ago he said we have
six to eight months left and I think now pushing that time line back to the
spring or summer of next year is probably a little closer to where our current
administration has it, I think our administration is actually beyond that time frame,
but he has clearly moved closer to where this administration is that we do have
more time.
And also you mentioned we, saw the prop
that he had, you know, he actually busted
up the prop, with the bomb and the fuse which does make you pay attention, I mean, some of us will think it's a little hokey, but it makes you pay attention, all three of
us started looking.
And seems to be drawing the Red Line at
they can't get beyond 90% uranium enrichment?
Yeah, I was surprised by that. I think if I
was drawing that red line I’d draw it to
when they begin to move to highly enriched uranium for weaponization, in other
words, when you go from 20% to 90% you begin to move towards that and that I
think gives you that weapon and why wait until they’ve completed it ,is where he's drawing that red
line, if
I understand what he is saying -- I think the use of that graphic is brilliant,
to get people to understand what's really taken places here, in such a
complicated sophisticated subject, he's broken it down I think so that any person can understand.
It reminds me of Saturday morning
cartoons, that's how the bombs would look with a little fuse- anyone can get what
he's trying to show us.
Ambassador Bolton -- your thoughts on
this subject
Well I thought he made one very
important point that people don't understand and that is that the economic
sanctions may have caused Iran
pain economically but they have not stopped or materially impeded the nuclear weapons
So, you can have sanctions till the
cows come home. North Korea
is the most heavily sanctioned country on Earth, bar none, and it is already
exploded two nuclear devices.
And I think that's an important
argument to make because people are prone to say just why don’t we just toughen
the sanctions up a little bit.
Under his timeline, under the Netanyahu
timeline the sanctions are not gonna bring Iran to its knees before they have
crossed his red line, so I thought that point was important to make and I think
people need to understand that especially if military action follows.
Where I think he made a mistake was on the
Red Line I think I agree with Jack on that point. You know, the Security Council of the
vaunted United Nations set a red line in 2006. It said stop all uranium
enrichment activities. And Iran has blown
right past that red line effectively with no consequences for its nuclear
weapons program. So to me the very concept of a red line - it has dubious
effect because the Iranians have seen previous red lines repeatedly ignored
We’ve seen in this country somewhat of
a debate about what we should be doing with respect to Iran 's nuclear program and we heard
a lot of it during the Republican primary quite frankly. Ron Paul was saying
what business is it of ours. If Iran
wants to develop a nuclear weapon and that's its business and we have no right
to tell them no.
When we were listening to the prime
minister you knew at one point his speech he was going to get to a quote from
Bernard Lewis, and he did and the quote was something the effect of - for the
Ayatollahs mutually assured destruction is not a deterrent to getting nuclear
weapons it's an inducement to getting and using them.
Right, if you prize life in the
hereafter more than you prize life on Earth the threat of being destroyed isn't
going to deter you -- one thing you can say about the Communists during Cold
War days is they were atheists they knew they were only going around once in
life and they weren't about to throw it way too quickly.
That's not a calculus that applies to
Iran and that's why the entire notion that it would be bad if Iran got nuclear
weapons but we could contain and deter a nuclear Iran is delusional, very
dangerous and even if I'm completely wrong on that, it doesn't stop with Iran,
as secretary of state Clinton herself has said Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and
perhaps others will get nuclear weapons as well making an already volatile
region even more dangerous.
Yeah, I totally agree I think one of
the great values of the speech was laying out the true threat of radical Islam
and it not just threatens Israel, it threatens the world because of what their
objectives are and we have a nation state of the espouses that as well and
wants a nuclear weapon and a thirty year history here of terrorism killing us.
I mean the last commander we had in Iraq believes that the Shiite militia, sponsored
by the Iranians, trained by the Iranians in Iran, given weapons
by the Iranians, killed close to two thousand of our 4400 American dead. Plus blew up two embassies plus blew up
two barracks and then this nation takes on a nuclear weapon. I think his
characterization of that threat and what that means not just of the region but
to the world is absolutely clear. One of the best presentations I've seen on
the subject
Thank you both so much. I appreciate you being here.