Friday, August 23, 2019

Trump explains: I meant Jews are disloyal to Israel, not the US.

From the Jerusalem Post:

Trump told reporters at the Oval Office on Tuesday that Jews who vote for Democrats “shows either total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”

Clarifying his remarks on Wednesday, Trump denied his comments were racist and told reporters: “If you vote for a Democrat, you’re being disloyal to Jewish people and you’re being very disloyal to Israel.”

This is an accurate statement.

Jonathan Rosenblum put it best with this comment in Mishpacha in 2013: “The failure of American Jewry during the Holocaust pales besides that of American Jewry today. By virtue of its unshakable adulation of Obama, American Jewry has watched calmly as he placed 6 million Jews in Israel under threat of extinction from an Iranian nuclear bomb.”

Trump has every right to make a statement of fact, like 2+2 = 4, that the majority of American Jews support a party which bent over backwards to back two Muslim congresswomen who had given numerous anti-Semitic statements, who support BDS which economically wants to destroy Israel, and whose anti-Semitism is the direct consequence of the anti-Semitism of Islamic ideology, another fact everyone is too politically correct to mention. While we may dislike that it is Trump who is stating the obvious, everyone else is apparently too pc to do so. 

Yasmine Mohammed

“Western democracies are suffering from a toxic mix of arrogance and naiveté that makes them complacent,” said Mohammed, who highlighted this challenge only days after an eruption between Israel and the American Left over a proposed visit to the Jewish state by pro-BDS representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. “They underestimate the power of Islam, they look at what Islamists have done in other countries and they arrogantly think: ‘That won’t happen to us’ – even though it is happening right under their noses.”

Ayaan Hirsi Ali:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

“Islamists have understood well how to couple Muslim anti-Semitism with the American left’s vague notion of “social justice.” They have succeeded in couching their agenda in the progressive framework of the oppressed versus the oppressor. Identity politics and victimhood culture also provide Islamists with the vocabulary to deflect their critics with accusations of “Islamophobia,” “white privilege” and “insensitivity.” A perfect illustration was the way Ms. Omar and her allies were able to turn a House resolution condemning her anti-Semitism into a garbled “intersectional” rant in which Muslims emerged as the most vulnerable minority in the league table of victimhood.”