Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Opinion Journal: Michael Oren’s Hard Truths

Listening to John Bolton and the Iranian threat, I was wondering how come Michael Oren decided tell the truth about the true nature of the Iranian threat, something that even Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal is reluctant to do? 

In his LA Times op-ed “Why Obama is wrong about Iran being ‘rational’ on nukes,” Oren writes: “As famed Middle East scholar Bernard Lewis once observed, ‘Mutually assured destruction’ for the Iranian regime ‘is not a deterrent – it’s an inducement.’” 

Now that I am reading his book, Ally, it becomes clear.   He writes “The program of Islamic philosophy, medieval and modern history, and Arabic, was rigorous, and my professors -   including the preeminent Middle East scholar, Bernard Lewis – superb.”

The question is why did it take him so long to quote Bernard Lewis on the death of the mutually assured destruction doctrine?