The French parliament has just passed a resolution to recognize a Palestinian state with 339 in favor and 151 against. When I listened to Gilbert Collard I agreed with almost everything he said, and then, shocked, I realized he was from the National Front! OMG – Europe is really on the way to becoming Eurabia!
Gilbert Collard – a free translation of his speech:
It is difficult not to believe that this resolution will create greater tension in the country. You did not support any of these thoughts. You did not support any of the arguments. This resolution is inadmissible, unreal and in the only gives you the feeling that you are fighting for an ideology that is lacking. There is no comparison between South Africa and Israel. Israel is not a racist country! There is no apartheid! Put that in your head! This is a country which represents in the Middle East the values of democracy that we defend. If you today recognize the Palestinian state through your resolution you will embrace Hamas, you will embrace terrorism, you will embrace hate, you will embrace death in the cities of Israel and in Jerusalem. But be lucid! What are you about to do? We want a Palestinian state. All of us do. How could you not, but in the desirable conditions. Not in this disorder. Not in terrorism Not in violence. Not with the Charter with its article 11 and 13 in which they want to eradicate the Jewish state and negate it. How can you accept a resolution which gives strength to the killer and the terrorist? Yes to a Palestinian state, but not in these conditions Yes to peace, no to terrorism!
Update Dec 3, 2014:
And after this passionate speech Gilbert Collard abstained. See below
Analyse du scrutin n° 981
Gilbert Collard – a free translation of his speech:
It is difficult not to believe that this resolution will create greater tension in the country. You did not support any of these thoughts. You did not support any of the arguments. This resolution is inadmissible, unreal and in the only gives you the feeling that you are fighting for an ideology that is lacking. There is no comparison between South Africa and Israel. Israel is not a racist country! There is no apartheid! Put that in your head! This is a country which represents in the Middle East the values of democracy that we defend. If you today recognize the Palestinian state through your resolution you will embrace Hamas, you will embrace terrorism, you will embrace hate, you will embrace death in the cities of Israel and in Jerusalem. But be lucid! What are you about to do? We want a Palestinian state. All of us do. How could you not, but in the desirable conditions. Not in this disorder. Not in terrorism Not in violence. Not with the Charter with its article 11 and 13 in which they want to eradicate the Jewish state and negate it. How can you accept a resolution which gives strength to the killer and the terrorist? Yes to a Palestinian state, but not in these conditions Yes to peace, no to terrorism!
Update Dec 3, 2014:
And after this passionate speech Gilbert Collard abstained. See below
Analyse du scrutin n° 981
Deuxième séance du 02/12/2014
Scrutin public sur la proposition de résolution portant sur la reconnaissance de l'État de Palestine (art.34-1 de la Constitution)
Synthèse du vote
Nombre de votants : 506
Nombre de suffrages exprimés : 490
Majorité absolue : 246
Pour l'adoption : 339
Contre : 151
L'Assemblée nationale a adopté.
Groupe socialiste, républicain et citoyen (288 membres)
Pour: 279
- Ibrahim Aboubacar
- Patricia Adam
- Sylviane Alaux
- Jean-Pierre Allossery
- Pouria Amirshahi
- François André
- Nathalie Appéré
- Christian Assaf
- Joël Aviragnet
- Pierre Aylagas
- Jean-Marc Ayrault
- Alexis Bachelay
- Guillaume Bachelay
- Jean-Paul Bacquet
- Dominique Baert
- Gérard Bapt
- Serge Bardy
- Ericka Bareigts
- Christian Bataille
- Delphine Batho
- Marie-Noëlle Battistel
- Laurent Baumel
- Philippe Baumel
- Nicolas Bays
- Catherine Beaubatie
- Marie-Françoise Bechtel
- Jean-Marie Beffara
- Luc Belot
- Karine Berger
- Chantal Berthelot
- Gisèle Biémouret
- Philippe Bies
- Erwann Binet
- Jean-Pierre Blazy
- Yves Blein
- Jean-Luc Bleunven
- Daniel Boisserie
- Christophe Borgel
- Florent Boudié
- Marie-Odile Bouillé
- Christophe Bouillon
- Brigitte Bourguignon
- Malek Boutih
- Kheira Bouziane-Laroussi
- Émeric Bréhier
- Jean-Louis Bricout
- Jean-Jacques Bridey
- François Brottes
- Isabelle Bruneau
- Gwenegan Bui
- Sabine Buis
- Jean-Claude Buisine
- Sylviane Bulteau
- Vincent Burroni
- Alain Calmette
- Jean-Christophe Cambadélis
- Colette Capdevielle
- Yann Capet
- Christophe Caresche
- Marie-Arlette Carlotti
- Fanélie Carrey-Conte
- Martine Carrillon-Couvreur
- Christophe Castaner
- Jean-Yves Caullet
- Nathalie Chabanne
- Guy Chambefort
- Jean-Paul Chanteguet
- Marie-Anne Chapdelaine
- Guy-Michel Chauveau
- Dominique Chauvel
- Pascal Cherki
- Jean-David Ciot
- Alain Claeys
- Jean-Michel Clément
- Marie-Françoise Clergeau
- Romain Colas
- Philip Cordery
- Valérie Corre
- Jean-Jacques Cottel
- Catherine Coutelle
- Jacques Cresta
- Pascale Crozon
- Frédéric Cuvillier
- Seybah Dagoma
- Yves Daniel
- Carlos Da Silva
- Pascal Deguilhem
- Florence Delaunay
- Michèle Delaunay
- Guy Delcourt
- Pascal Demarthe
- Sébastien Denaja
- Françoise Descamps-Crosnier
- Sophie Dessus
- Jean-Louis Destans
- Michel Destot
- Fanny Dombre-Coste
- René Dosière
- Sandrine Doucet
- Philippe Doucet
- Françoise Dubois
- Jean-Pierre Dufau
- Anne-Lise Dufour-Tonini
- Françoise Dumas
- William Dumas
- Laurence Dumont
- Jean-Louis Dumont
- Jean-Paul Dupré
- Yves Durand
- Philippe Duron
- Olivier Dussopt
- Henri Emmanuelli
- Corinne Erhel
- Sophie Errante
- Marie-Hélène Fabre
- Martine Faure
- Olivier Faure
- Alain Fauré
- Hervé Féron
- Richard Ferrand
- Aurélie Filippetti
- Hugues Fourage
- Jean-Marc Fournel
- Valérie Fourneyron
- Michèle Fournier-Armand
- Michel Françaix
- Christian Franqueville
- Jean-Claude Fruteau
- Jean-Louis Gagnaire
- Geneviève Gaillard
- Yann Galut
- Guillaume Garot
- Hélène Geoffroy
- Jean-Marc Germain
- Jean-Patrick Gille
- Jean Glavany
- Yves Goasdoué
- Daniel Goldberg
- Geneviève Gosselin-Fleury
- Pascale Got
- Marc Goua
- Linda Gourjade
- Laurent Grandguillaume
- Estelle Grelier
- Jean Grellier
- Edith Gueugneau
- Élisabeth Guigou
- Chantal Guittet
- Razzy Hammadi
- Benoît Hamon
- Mathieu Hanotin
- Joëlle Huillier
- Sandrine Hurel
- Christian Hutin
- Françoise Imbert
- Michel Issindou
- Éric Jalton
- Serge Janquin
- Henri Jibrayel
- Régis Juanico
- Laurent Kalinowski
- Marietta Karamanli
- Philippe Kemel
- Chaynesse Khirouni
- Bernadette Laclais
- Conchita Lacuey
- François Lamy
- Anne-Christine Lang
- Colette Langlade
- Jean Launay
- Jean-Luc Laurent
- Pierre-Yves Le Borgn'
- Jean-Yves Le Bouillonnec
- Patrick Lebreton
- Gilbert Le Bris
- Anne-Yvonne Le Dain
- Jean-Yves Le Déaut
- Viviane Le Dissez
- Michel Lefait
- Dominique Lefebvre
- Annie Le Houerou
- Annick Le Loch
- Patrick Lemasle
- Catherine Lemorton
- Christophe Léonard
- Annick Lepetit
- Jean-Pierre Le Roch
- Bruno Le Roux
- Arnaud Leroy
- Michel Lesage
- Bernard Lesterlin
- Serge Letchimy
- Michel Liebgott
- Martine Lignières-Cassou
- Audrey Linkenheld
- François Loncle
- Gabrielle Louis-Carabin
- Lucette Lousteau
- Victorin Lurel
- Jean-Pierre Maggi
- Jacqueline Maquet
- Marie-Lou Marcel
- Jean-René Marsac
- Philippe Martin
- Martine Martinel
- Frédérique Massat
- Sandrine Mazetier
- Michel Ménard
- Patrick Mennucci
- Kléber Mesquida
- Pierre-Alain Muet
- Philippe Nauche
- Nathalie Nieson
- Philippe Noguès
- Robert Olive
- Maud Olivier
- Monique Orphé
- Michel Pajon
- Luce Pane
- Christian Paul
- Rémi Pauvros
- Germinal Peiro
- Hervé Pellois
- Jean-Claude Perez
- Sébastien Pietrasanta
- Martine Pinville
- Christine Pires Beaune
- Philippe Plisson
- Élisabeth Pochon
- Napole Polutélé
- Pascal Popelin
- Dominique Potier
- Émilienne Poumirol
- Michel Pouzol
- Régine Povéda
- Patrice Prat
- Christophe Premat
- Joaquim Pueyo
- Catherine Quéré
- Valérie Rabault
- Monique Rabin
- Dominique Raimbourg
- Marie Récalde
- Marie-Line Reynaud
- Eduardo Rihan Cypel
- Denys Robiliard
- Marcel Rogemont
- Frédéric Roig
- Barbara Romagnan
- Bernard Roman
- Gwendal Rouillard
- Alain Rousset
- Boinali Said
- Béatrice Santais
- Odile Saugues
- Gilbert Sauvan
- Gilles Savary
- Gérard Sebaoun
- Christophe Sirugue
- Julie Sommaruga
- Suzanne Tallard
- Pascal Terrasse
- Sylvie Tolmont
- Jean-Louis Touraine
- Stéphane Travert
- Catherine Troallic
- Cécile Untermaier
- Jean-Jacques Urvoas
- Daniel Vaillant
- Jacques Valax
- Clotilde Valter
- Michel Vauzelle
- Olivier Véran
- Fabrice Verdier
- Michel Vergnier
- Patrick Vignal
- Jean-Michel Villaumé
- Jean Jacques Vlody
- Paola Zanetti
Contre: 1
- René Rouquet
Abstention: 5
- Laurent Cathala
- David Habib
- Monique Iborra
- Armand Jung
- François Pupponi
Non-votant: 1
- M. Claude Bartolone (Président de l'Assemblée nationale).
Groupe de l'union pour un mouvement populaire (197 membres)
Pour: 9
- Nicole Ameline
- Marcel Bonnot
- Olivier Carré
- Jean-Louis Christ
- Jean-Jacques Guillet
- Jacques Myard
- Bérengère Poletti
- Axel Poniatowski
- Jean-Luc Reitzer
Contre: 136
- Damien Abad
- Bernard Accoyer
- Yves Albarello
- Benoist Apparu
- Laurence Arribagé
- Patrick Balkany
- Jean-Pierre Barbier
- Jacques Alain Bénisti
- Sylvain Berrios
- Xavier Bertrand
- Étienne Blanc
- Valérie Boyer
- Philippe Briand
- Bernard Brochand
- Luc Chatel
- Gérard Cherpion
- Guillaume Chevrollier
- Alain Chrétien
- Dino Cinieri
- Éric Ciotti
- Philippe Cochet
- Jean-François Copé
- François Cornut-Gentille
- Jean-Louis Costes
- Édouard Courtial
- Jean-Michel Couve
- Marc-Philippe Daubresse
- Bernard Debré
- Bernard Deflesselles
- Rémi Delatte
- Patrick Devedjian
- Nicolas Dhuicq
- Jean-Pierre Door
- David Douillet
- Marianne Dubois
- Christian Estrosi
- Daniel Fasquelle
- Georges Fenech
- Yves Foulon
- Marc Francina
- Yves Fromion
- Claude de Ganay
- Sauveur Gandolfi-Scheit
- Annie Genevard
- Guy Geoffroy
- Bernard Gérard
- Alain Gest
- Georges Ginesta
- Charles-Ange Ginesy
- Jean-Pierre Giran
- Claude Goasguen
- Jean-Pierre Gorges
- Philippe Gosselin
- Philippe Goujon
- Claude Greff
- Arlette Grosskost
- Françoise Guégot
- Jean-Claude Guibal
- Christophe Guilloteau
- Michel Herbillon
- Patrick Hetzel
- Guénhaël Huet
- Sébastien Huyghe
- Christian Jacob
- Denis Jacquat
- Christian Kert
- Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet
- Jacques Kossowski
- Valérie Lacroute
- Marc Laffineur
- Jacques Lamblin
- Jean-François Lamour
- Laure de La Raudière
- Guillaume Larrivé
- Thierry Lazaro
- Alain Leboeuf
- Frédéric Lefebvre
- Marc Le Fur
- Pierre Lellouche
- Bruno Le Maire
- Jean Leonetti
- Pierre Lequiller
- Céleste Lett
- Geneviève Levy
- Véronique Louwagie
- Lionnel Luca
- Jean-François Mancel
- Thierry Mariani
- Hervé Mariton
- Alain Marleix
- Olivier Marleix
- Franck Marlin
- Philippe Armand Martin
- Patrice Martin-Lalande
- Alain Marty
- Jean-Claude Mathis
- Jean-Claude Mignon
- Pierre Morange
- Yannick Moreau
- Pierre Morel-A-L'Huissier
- Alain Moyne-Bressand
- Dominique Nachury
- Yves Nicolin
- Patrick Ollier
- Jacques Pélissard
- Jean-Frédéric Poisson
- Josette Pons
- Didier Quentin
- Frédéric Reiss
- Bernard Reynès
- Franck Riester
- Arnaud Robinet
- Camille de Rocca Serra
- Sophie Rohfritsch
- Paul Salen
- François Scellier
- Claudine Schmid
- André Schneider
- Fernand Siré
- Thierry Solère
- Michel Sordi
- Claude Sturni
- Alain Suguenot
- Michèle Tabarot
- Lionel Tardy
- Jean-Charles Taugourdeau
- Guy Teissier
- Jean-Marie Tetart
- Dominique Tian
- Catherine Vautrin
- Patrice Verchère
- Jean-Sébastien Vialatte
- Jean-Pierre Vigier
- Philippe Vitel
- Laurent Wauquiez
- Éric Woerth
Abstention: 4
- Virginie Duby-Muller
- Laurent Furst
- Isabelle Le Callennec
- Dominique Le Mèner
Groupe de l'union des démocrates et indépendants (30 membres)
Pour: 4
- Yannick Favennec
- Philippe Folliot
- Bertrand Pancher
- François Rochebloine
Contre: 14
- Charles de Courson
- Stéphane Demilly
- Jean-Christophe Fromantin
- Philippe Gomès
- Meyer Habib
- Sonia Lagarde
- Jean-Christophe Lagarde
- Franck Reynier
- Arnaud Richard
- Maina Sage
- Rudy Salles
- André Santini
- Jean-Paul Tuaiva
- Philippe Vigier
Abstention: 4
- Thierry Benoit
- Michel Piron
- François-Xavier Villain
- Michel Zumkeller
Groupe écologiste (18 membres)
Pour: 18
- Laurence Abeille
- Éric Alauzet
- Brigitte Allain
- Isabelle Attard
- Danielle Auroi
- Denis Baupin
- Michèle Bonneton
- Christophe Cavard
- Sergio Coronado
- Cécile Duflot
- François-Michel Lambert
- Noël Mamère
- Véronique Massonneau
- Paul Molac
- Barbara Pompili
- Jean-Louis Roumégas
- François de Rugy
- Eva Sas
Groupe radical, républicain, démocrate et progressiste (17 membres)
Pour: 11
- Jean-Noël Carpentier
- Stéphane Claireaux
- Jeanine Dubié
- Olivier Falorni
- Joël Giraud
- Gilda Hobert
- Jacques Krabal
- Jérôme Lambert
- Dominique Orliac
- Stéphane Saint-André
- Alain Tourret
Groupe de la gauche démocrate et républicaine (15 membres)
Pour: 15
- François Asensi
- Bruno Nestor Azérot
- Huguette Bello
- Alain Bocquet
- Marie-George Buffet
- Jean-Jacques Candelier
- Patrice Carvalho
- Gaby Charroux
- André Chassaigne
- Marc Dolez
- Jacqueline Fraysse
- Alfred Marie-Jeanne
- Jean-Philippe Nilor
- Nicolas Sansu
- Gabriel Serville